Master Blasters Co truck

Did you find us at the 2022 National Home Show in Toronto?

We had a blast highlighting our bin cleaning services to the people of Toronto, Mississauga, Brampton and surrounding areas.  It was a great success and we were able o reach out to thousands of people.  But if you missed us, no need to worry! We’re here to solve all of your grime problems.

Raccoons getting into your garbage bins? Do you avoid touching your dirty garbage bins? Is the smell coming from your bins attracting all sorts of pests?

We have the solution to all your bin and grime problems! We use 200 degree water and high pressure to fully clean and sanitize your garbage bins. We don’t leave any mess in front of your house, and even deodorize the bins afterwards leaving them smelling nice and fresh.

Call us today to book your first bin cleaning service and say goodbye to nasty smelly trash bins for good.

Master Blasters Co, We’ll Blast Anything!

437-286-9493 or visit us online at


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